A program with strong contrasts. Salon music of the 1920s meets new music of today, meets songs, meets jazz and compositions with language.
Sunday, 24.6.18 at 12 pm Tiendschuur, Landcommanderij Alden Biesen, Kasteelstraat 6, 3740 Bilzen.
The singer Gunnar Brandt-Sigurdsson, is eager to use his voice in any way he can, as a tenor, countertenor. Academie Tongeren’s Pentagoon Kwartet focuses on jazz, pop and variety. The rest is up to the pianist Johan Bossers: classical, experimental, salon and protest music, with a bit of lounge garbage between the acts. Together they take on a labyrinth of practices and vocal techniques: pop, classical, Dada, cabaret, protest, variety, heavy metal, baroque, electronics, video, experimental, jazz and so on.
Video in gekürzter Fassung (10min):
Video in (fast) voller Konzertlänge (80min):
Many thanks to Bianca Sevenich for capturing the video